
Care for Covid-19 patients: What! People have to pay?


Care for Covid-19 patients: What! People have to pay?


When the spike in Covid-19 cases occurred, all hospitals were caring for a lot of Covid-19 patients. Not a small proportion of these patients were charged a large fee after treatment. Previously, the Government through the Ministry of Health had stated that payment for the treatment of Covid-19 patients would be borne by the government. But why are there still hospitals charging a fee?

My younger sibling was Covid-19 positive and received care for 3 weeks at Regional Public Hospital **** *******, up to the point that my sibling entered ICU and required a ventilator. Because of my siblings critical condition, the doctor recommended that my sibling was given the drug Gammaraas. Because that treatment was not provided at the aforementioned hospital, we as a family tried to get the drug, which actually costs as much as Rp 220 million (US$15,300), for as many as 55 vials of Gammarass. What I want to ask is, what is the process to request reimbursement or to claim the cost of this expensive Covid-19 drug?

My mother, on 28 June 2021, died as a consequence of Covid-19 and had been cared for at a hospital in Jakarta for more or less 10 days. Now the fee from the hospital has been issued and weve been hit with a fee of around Rp 600 million (US$41,760), which includes treatment, medicine, and the ventilator, and other things.

My mother went to one of the public hospitals in Surabaya after she was confirmed as Covid-19 positive. On 19 July she was permitted to go home by the doctor. The hospital said that the Ministry of Health would only reimburse Rp 7 million (US$487) / a day for the care of Covid-19 patients. This only covers 60% of the total fee for care at the hospital. I want to get clarification, is it correct that the government only covers Rp 7 million a day? Because the government covers all of the fees for care of Covid-19 patients at other public hospitals, I ask that the government or any other stakeholders have the empathy to follow up on this matter.

Hello, sorry our aunt just died this morning due to Covid-19 Im only asking for your help to keep fighting for those who are still struggling today, especially those that dont have easy access to free Covid-19 treatment like in Java.

There are many deaths each day outside of Java. Could it be because they dont have as much money to get adequate treatment. – Sekadau Regency, West Kalimantan (14 August 2021)

Government has already violated the right to health of citizens, which is stipulated in:

  1. Paragraph 28 H Article (1) The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945
    Every person has the right to live in physical and spiritual prosperity, to have a place to live, and to have a good and healthy living environment and have the right to obtain health services
  2. Paragraph 19 Law Number 36 Year 2009 concerning Health Government is responsible for the provision of all forms of health efforts which are quality, safe, efficient and affordable.
  3. Paragraph 8 Law Number 6 Year 2018 concerning Health Quarantine Every person has the right to basic health services according to their medical needs.

There are already technical instructions for hospital claims. Why are people still being charged Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK No. 59/2016) concerning the Exemption of fees for patients of certain emerging infections, the fee for patients being treated for certain emerging infectious diseases including Covid-19 should be able to be claimed to the Ministry of Health.

Minister of Health Decision (KMK No. HK.01.07/MENKES/4344/2021) concerning Technical Instructions for Reimbursement Claims for the Treatment of Patients with Certain Emerging Infectious Diseases for hospitals which are providing Covid-19 services.

Lapor Covid-19 (Report Covid-19) urges that:

  1. The Government ensures that there are no Covid-19 patients that are asked to pay for treatment and medicine while being cared for at a hospital.
  2. The Government improves the claim system for hospitals that provide Covid-19 services which guarantees all payment for medicine and treatment of all people with Covid-19 in all hospitals/ community health centres, and other health facilities in accordance with the Constitution, Health Law and Health Quarantine Law.
  3. Government and health facilities need to provide clear information to people concerning payment for Covid-19 patients. Peoples reports show that hospital payment is chaotic. People are not being given appropriate and clear information concerning the rules for hospital payment.
  4. Government needs to ensure the provision of medicine and health facilities which are easily accessible and affordable, especially during a pandemic.


Have you been charged by a hospital for Covid-19 treatment?
Report it to Whatsapp BOT LaporCovid-19 on Whatsapp: or Telegram: and then select menu number 3 to register a complaint related to hospital payment.




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